Mixed Media Artist

Ashima Kumar is a visual artist working at the cutting edge of Graphic Design and Fine Art after completing her degree in applied arts (BFA). Her style is a unique fusion of traditional styles and digital media. Inspired by the traditional art forms and natural patterns, Ashima juxtaposes graphic simplicity with painterly strokes. Her work is based on conceptual art and shows some attributes of expressionism, surrealism and feminism, and is blended with spiritual and psychological content.
Her serene artworks aim to “penetrate the deepest part of us where no words exist.”
She uses graphic forms and colour emotively as a translation of her dreams and private feelings. Always looking to transmute the experiential into visible patterns and abstract forms, Ashima sees her artistic practice as threefold: “dream, doodle, design.” Her artworks are spontaneous, as though she has transmitted her feelings directly onto paper through the mere act of breathing. The viewer in turn is drawn to the intricacy of details travelling into a discovery land.
She is inspired by nature and her expressionist works reveal the messages, that her communion with nature brings forth. She is deeply interested; in the way patterns are formed naturally and are a form of representation.
Ashima produces fine artworks and runs ‘Doodle Art Workshops for Mindfulness’. She utilises elements from this style to impart tools for well-being. Ashima’s workshops help participants to discover unconscious thoughts, improve focus, reduce stress and boost creativity.
Studio 9
30 Leigh Court, Byron Hill Road, HA2 0HZ by appointment only
Contact Artist
Sat 14 | Sun 15 | Mon 16 | Tue 17 | Wed 18 | Thu 19 | Fri 20 | Sat 21 | Sun 22 | Mon 23 | Tue 24 | Wed 25 | Thu 26 | Fri 27 | Sat 28 | Sun 29 |